Personal and Professional Experience

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, State of California Board of Behavioral Sciences
Santa Clara University, Master of Arts
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Bachelor of Arts

My desire to work in therapy grew out of the personal experience of losing my first husband after a long battle with cancer. At the time, I was a young mother raising three children in a world I knew was not perfect, and I quickly realized that despite the standards we try to hold ourselves to, neither are we.

I have extensive professional experience in grief work, anxiety, depression, interpersonal relationships, and life transitions. My training spans from diverse clinical and school settings to working at Kara in Palo Alto, which provides support to families and adults coping with complicated grief issues.

From everyday stressors and uncontrollable circumstances, to complex relationships and overwhelming expectations, at some point, we all face challenges that seem insurmountable. Through the therapeutic process it becomes clear that there is new life after loss.


My Approach

As a humanistic therapist, I believe that people have an innate sense of urgency to lead rich and fulfilling lives; however, many variables both within and outside of one’s control can derail this process. Good therapy addresses these issues and real change can take place.
In my practice, I incorporate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Family Systems, Attachment Theory and Interpersonal Process approaches to provide highly individualized psychotherapy services to my clients. Every client-therapist relationship is unique, and I work to tailor how to approach therapy for everyone’s individual needs.

Dedicated to Your Comfort

My office setting is a private and personal space for you to share your experiences and begin the healing process.
Virtual counseling appointments are available for patients who prefer therapy from a remote location.

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