When a spouse or family member dies, your world as you know it changes. It is normal to feel profound grief and sorrow during this time. You may feel numb, shock and fear, as well as an overwhelming sense of emotional and physical pain. You may feel abandoned or even guilty for being the one who is still alive – survivor’s guilt. All of these conflicting feelings are normal. There are absolutely no rules about how you should feel at this time in your life. There is no right or wrong way to mourn the loss of a loved one and everyone grieves at their own pace in their own time.


Grief is a journey

Grief counseling offers a “safe-haven” for emotional expression and the release of feelings. Through our work together, we will find the understanding and acceptance needed to help you to find peace and healing in an effort to move forward in your life.

Survivor Group Sessions

This group setting is an effective way to promote healing through education and support on grief and transitioning to the next stage in your life. We come together in a safe, welcoming environment where individuals feel encouraged to express their pain and connect with others who are experiencing similar emotions. Group members report feeling a strong, positive impact and tremendous comfort from connecting with others who are also grieving a profound loss. If you are interested in joining this tailored group setting, please click below.

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